Tuesday, May 8, 2007

To my ENC1102 class: Welcome to the Pajama Discussions Blog!

Hello, everybody!

First of all, forgive the name of the blog. I couldn't come up with anything very clever; my brain is still on my mini-vacation and going through a moderate bout of beerish hangover. I called it the "PJ Discussions" or "pajama discussions" because you can access this, obviously, from the comfort of your own home (provided you've internet availability from home, of course-- if you don't, there are computers with internet access available on campus in the library and TLCC). In other words, if you are accessing this at home, you can be in your PJ's, and no one would really care. You could even contribute to the discussion, blissfully in the buff, and no one would think the better-or-worse of you...provided you don't title your blog with something like "Racial and Gender Discrimination Among Wal-Mart employees and, By the Way, We're Naked!"

This is where 10% of your grade begins. The rules for the discussions are as follows:

1. You will be posting a blog on an issue with a partner. What you and your partner will do is EMAIL to me the blog on the issue you wish to cover and the commentary you and your partner wish to add to the topic (you've got to start the conversation, naturally). I will post it up on the blog site for your classmates; whereupon, the discussion will begin.

2. You will also be responsible for CONTRIBUTING your thoughts, comments, theories, comparisons, rants, raves, inquiries, outrage, etc. on each of the blogs posted by your classmates. It's a give-and-take discussion, as well it should be.

3. Your blog postings and responses must NOT be anonymous. It wouldn't make much sense to grade an anonymous contributor when I wouldn't know to whom to grant the grade exactly, would it?

4. Since your blog postings and commentaries aren't going to be anonymous, I expect you to respond thoughtfully and intelligently. Please note, however, that I will NOT censor OR censure your writing. I strongly adhere to the ideology of freedom of speech. I simply ask that you refrain from using vacuous vulgarities and brash insults directed at your fellow commentators. That's not adequate argumentation, in any case.

5. Your blog issue will be on a CURRENT topic that's debatable. This may require you both to start reading the newspaper, watching the tube, browsing the internet, and so forth. Direct your blog commentators to certain stories/articles on the topic as well, to assist in your discussion and their contributions.

6. Bear in mind, folks, I'll be contributing as well! Don't let MY vantage dissuade you from posting either (in good arguments, no side is 100% right or wrong!). That certainly ISN'T what freedom of speech entails. In other words, feel free to disagree with my views, too; just be prepared to back up your claim!

7. Have a good time with this. What I hope this blog will do is free your mind a bit, help you with argumentation tactics in your writing and give you some ideas as to research paper topics you might not have thought of before!

So, without further adieu, let's begin with something easy --

Each of you introduce yourself and give us ONE pet peeve -- one thing that irritates you -- big or small -- that really gets under your skin.

I'll start:

I'm MacKenzie Jennings (duh), and I can't stand cell phone use while driving, especially when the driver honestly believes he/she is ambidextrous and can turn the steering wheel and chat on the phone at the same time.


Shelby said...
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Shelby said...

My name is Shelby Gahan, my one pet peeve would have to be when someone answers there phone why they are having a conversation with you and starts continually talking to the person on the phone. I think it is very rude and inconsiderate of them to do that they could at least say I will call you back or something instead of totally ignoring you!

Mark Wheeler said...

I am Mark Wheeler and I have several peeves. I try to be understanding of others but...
Back to my favorite peeve, hmm, it's a toss up between people not using their turn signals and people who pull out in front of me at the last minute when they can clearly see that there isn't anyone behind me for half a mile. Turn signals, isn't that silly? The "blind" people pulling out in front of me sometimes really gets me in a lather; other times I just think, "Damn! (or another choice explicitive), you're gonna get yourself killed" Oh, and "Damn!" is pronounced dai um - it has two syllables. :o))

Shirley Rivera said...

My name is Shirley Rivera and I have many pet peeves. My first pet peeve is when people don't turn off their turn signals for miles on end and they never turn. I also cannot stand when people drive slow on a Monday morning (this makes me cringe). Another pet peeve is when people tend to stop their car in the middle of the road and put their hazardous signal so that they can talk on the phone (I rather they drive and talk on the phone, as long as they have the wire attachment for the ear for safety precautions). And I can't stand when people throw garbage out their car windows instead of taking their trash to a recycling bin. I have many more but I will stop here. :OD

Kenneth Clayton said...

My name is Kenneth Clayton, my pet peeve is children being disrespectful to adults. I hate it when I hear a child saying mean things to adults. I work in the school system, and I am always getting on my kids about being disrespectful to staff, their parents, or any adult.

Kelly Slocum said...

My name is Kelly Slocum. My biggest pet peeve is people (adults and children, alike) who cannot patiently wait for their turn in line. They act as though I haven't been standing there the entire time as well, and then try to push their way ahead of me. It seems to be common practice at most major department stores and fast food restaurants. It's as though courtesy and patience simply do not exist.

Khim Chang said...

My name is Khim Chang and I also have many pet peeves. Many of my pet peeves depend on my mood and the occasion. Lately, it has been with people who don't know when to stop talking or who always has something to say even though it is not important. I believe "silence is golden." I think some people need to learn when to listen and when to talk. Sometimes it is best just to listen and not say anything. I put up with a couple of co-workers on a daily basis who don’t know how or when to listen. And now that I find myself in a classroom again this pet peeve is intensifying. I am one of those who prefer online classes; unfortunately, I was unable to obtain such a class this time. But I will make the best of it and teach myself patience.

Garrett Sheumaker said...

My name is Garrett Sheumaker and my pet peeve would have to be people that do no know how to follow directions. Here is an example. -- I work as a lifeguard at Disney World where we have signs clearly posted stating our rules for the pool and slide. Every time I work I have to ask people to observe the rules for their own safety. Things that should be common sense, like "Do not run on the pool deck" are disobeyed constantly. Thankfully I have the power to punish repeat offenders.

Unknown said...

My name is KEVIN DAVIS and my biggest pet peeves are animal activists groups, PETA in particular. I do believe in the ethical treatment of all living things but i don't agree with the actions they take on behalf of their beliefs. Sometimes they do things to make you want to run out and drop-kick the nearest penguin or club the hell out of the next baby seal you see. The only thing you accomplish from throwing red paint on someone's fur is the slaughter of another animal to replace the one you just damaged! The circle of life is a bitch but the circle of ignorance is just sad.. -cheese-

Nicki said...

My name is Nicki Callihan and I have lots of Pet peeves. My main one would people not following simple directions. At a confernce this weekend i was in a room full of about 300 people who were asked to turn your thier cell phones on silent or vibrate. They were told that it is understandable if they had t take a call but to not have them ringing. I counted at least 10 different phones that rang in the 1st hour in class. They should have been kickd out of the conference for being so rude!

Eddie said...

My name is Eddie Lopez, my main pet peeve is when your in the bathroom and you notice someone who hasn't washed their hands. They walk out of the bathroom like its all fine and dandy and have the nerve to shake one's hand and think nothing of it. Dosen't anyone think of sanitation now and days. I mean a big sign that sits on the door before you exit "EMPLOYEES MUST WASH HANDS BEFORE RETURING BACK TO WORK" is not there just for the hell of it.

natasha mathes said...

My name is Natasha Mathes. Like most everyone, I do not have just one pet peeve. My latest pet peeve is individuals who are not willing to take personal responsibility for their appearance and wish to blame society. By this, I am referring to the obesity issue in this country. Back in January I weighed 175 lbs. To date, I am 153 lbs. This took work, as in exercise, and watching what I was eating and how much. Yes it is hard and yes it sucks when I really want a blizzard and have to settle for a piece of fruit. It ticks me off (and that’s being polite) when people say “I’m fat because McDonald’s made me this way.” Bullshit! You’re fat because you don’t just eat one hamburger. You eat that, and the Big Mac, and the large fry, and the shake, and the apple pie. Then they don’t get any exercise except for the walk to the car to go to McDonald’s and maybe to the counter to order but they probable use the drive-thru. Sorry…getting on the soap box so I’ll just end it there.

Carrie Henry said...

My name is Carrie Henry. My pet peeve is walking into Walmart or some other over populated shopping area and the first noise your hear is crying children. I do not understand why parents insist on taking their children places when obviously the children are in no condition to be outside their homes. When I run into these type children at the store I look at them and most of them just look over tired. Why parents do not wait until after the childs scheduled nap time I do not know. However, if they did it would make the lives of those around them more plesant. But, until parents are more aware of their surroundings and pay attention to their childrens sleeping patterns I try to avoid those over populated places as much as possible.

Travis said...

My name is Travis White and I have many things that annoy the living hell out of me. I would say that my number one pet peeve is when Snowbirds come down here to "Florider" and drive really freaking slow!! Get out of the way and GO HOME!!

M. B. Jennings said...

These are terrific, everyone. Anyone else noticing similar topics as I am?

Cassie said...

My name is CASSIE FRASHER. My favorite pet peeve is that I don’t like fake people. When I say fake people I mean people who lie, cheat or steal. I have no respect or time for people like this.

Allieson said...

My name is Allison Gunter and everything gets on my nerves, but the main thing has to be when someone sits behind you in class and shakes or moves their legs. Do they not realize that someone is sitting infront of them and does not feel like being bothered? It pisses me off alot and i will say something if you are one of those desk shakers, so thats your warning! : )

CourtneyB said...

My name is Courtney Ball and my biggest pet peeve is people who bring small children to a hospital and let them crawl around on the floor. It doesn't matter how clean the floor looks, there is no telling what is on there from the patient before! Yes, I work in a hospital, so I see this a lot. My second would probably be people who let their children run around unchecked in public in general.

trinell webster said...

My name is Trinell Webster, since you ask for only one, my one pet peeve is being disrespected. I'm a very nice person and have been for my entire life. I guess being nice to people is what I like to do. Even when I was child, I always wanted to hang with people who was just like me. Growing up, my childhood heros were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. Those men were about respect, I have always tried being respectful to others. This is why my pet peeve is about respect.

Jesse Ritter said...

Hello all, my name is Jesse Ritter. I am the the guy from the back who likes fire and paintball. My two biggest peeves are the noise my alarm clock makes every morning and people who like to cause a lot of drama. The noise from the alarm clock haunts me and actually makes me cringe every day at six in the morning. I also can't stand it when people cause drama because it is very childish and people who cause it need to grow up; because they are only making themselves look foolish.

Katherine Betz said...

My name is Susan Betz. While there are several pet peeves to choose from, the one that stands out for me would be the complaining cashier. The cashier is supposed to say hello and ask if your day is going well and in the spirit of polite conversation, the customer may respond and inquire about the cashier. However, I don't want to listen to cashiers ramble on about how terrible a day they have had and how they cannot wait to go home. My enthsiasim for polite conversation is squished in the onslaught of complaints from the cashier.

Collin said...

Hello! My name is Collin Bailey,
and my number one pet peeve is with politicians especially our Flordia politicians.Politicians make promisses they can not keep.
For example, last year Flordia
candidates from both parties said
they would solve our rising property taxes.To date,they have no solution.

Kimberly Ann said...

Im Kimberly, and one pet peeve of mine is ignorance. Some people can be totally blind to the fact that people are different and have different beliefs and lifestyles and everything that they say and believe is not always what is right. I dont want to ramble though,I can talk about this all day.